Saturday, October 30, 2010

Lower Back Tribal TattoosFor centuries we have painted ourselves with tattoos and recently the appearance of this body art form has exploded in popularity with great numbers of people getting themselves inked.

There are a variety of different styles in tattoo design from crude home made forms using a bottle of shop bought ink and a sewing needle to highly sophisticated methods involving the latest colors of ink and very quick needle guns employed by professional tattooists. They get the job done in record time and some of these tattooists are close to being the modern equivalent of a Michelangelo or Pablo Picasso.

What is achieved by the tattoo artists using their great designs and colored ink is quite remarkable.

Why do folk settle for getting inked with historical designs that are normally in the single colors of henna or black? The answer like most things is multi faceted and the roots of which begin in the mists of time itself. Historically, before we communicated properly with speech, we used this art form as a way of communicating with each other.

Many of us will have seen cavemen animal drawings on cave walls and the depiction was normally so good we could tell which animals they were. Drawing on their bodies became a natural extension of that art form. The inked body drawings would tell of great victories and other notable events.

The leaders of the tribe would have special designs that would depict their standing within the community and the most effective place for the tribal back tattoos was on the back so that they could be followed into battle or when hunting for animals. It was a case of follow the leader in those days and those generals led from the front rather than being safely deployed behind their troops which is the case in modern day wars.

Lower back tribal tattoos have become popular with women as they have a flattering effect on the shape of a woman's body. The waist is given the illusion of being smaller whereas the hips appear to be enhanced giving an overall more shapely appearance.

Men often prefer their tribal back tattoos on the upper back which again enhances the body shape appearance by giving the effect of widening the shoulders, reducing the waist and giving the impression of the classic V shape.


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