Sunday, February 28, 2010
As the popularity of airbrush tattoos and body art increases around the world, more and more companies are developing their own airbrush tattoo ink. Being an airbrush tattoo artist for over 6 years now, I have had the opportunity to try out many different brands of temporary tattoo ink. Outlined here are my findings from my own independent experiments.
When shopping for temporary tattoo ink, the first thing you should look for are companies that use only FDA approved ingredients. As of this writing, the FDA does not regulate temporary tattoo inks, so be wary of any company that says their inks are actually FDA approved.
The next point to watch out for is companies advertising concentrated ink. You do not want to change the chemistry of the inks you are spraying by reducing them yourself. Buy inks that are ready to spray. Sometimes you will still have to slightly reduce these airbrush ready inks in order to spray properly, but these minor adjustments will be far more consistent than having to reduce the inks from a concentrated form.Temporary Tattoo Ink
Okay, now let's get into looking at some actual inks. The first brand of ink I tried was Nazille sold by TATstore. Nazille is a very thick alcohol based ink. The ink requires 25-30 PSI to spray well. It stays in solution well, but still needs to be shaken occasionally. The durability of the airbrush tattoos sprayed with Nazille is very good. I used this ink at a resort pool where I set up frequently, and it was not uncommon for tattoos to last a week or more even with the kids swimming extensively in chlorinated pools.
The next ink I tried out was OCC temporary tattoo ink. This ink is very thin, and settles quickly. There is a good variety of colors. The ink sprays very easily, but tended to clog the airbrush up a bit when I did not shake it enough. The colors were vibrant. However I found this ink to not be very durable for airbrush tattoos on the general public. I think it is much better suited for professional applications such as photo shoots where the longevity of the artwork is of little concern. But tattoos did last an average of 3-5 days.
Another ink trial was done using ABA temporary tattoo ink. This ink is the cheapest name brand airbrush tattoo ink on the market that I know of. While not as thick as the Nazille ink, it is thicker than the OCC, and sprays very well at 25 PSI. There are almost too many different colors to choose from. This ink proved to be very durable for public tattoo use, with longevity ranging from 6-10 days for tattoos.
Labels: Temporary Tattoo Ink
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Getting started in tattooing is not like getting started in any other industry. It is more on par with old fashioned times, wherein which a person who wanted to learn a skill or a craft would have to find a mentor and apprentice underneath them, picking up the skill the old fashioned way: by doing it!
This is mostly still the case for the tattoo industry. One side effect of this is that it is a bit harder to come upon information on all the "tools of the trade" so to speak. There are no textbooks out there called Tattoo Supplies 101! With this in mind, this article will look at the basics involves for tattooing supplies, with the beginner in mind as the reader.
When discussing the basic tattoo supplies involved in this line of work, there are a handful of key pieces. Let us look at them one by one.
1. The Tattoo Machine. Also sometimes called a tattoo gun, a term usually shunned by profession artists, the tattoo machine is the central tool used to give tattoos. They are a ton of different tattoo machines of not just different quality, but of different purposes and even size and shape. On this note, it is very important to have a tattoo machine that fits correctly into the hands of the artist!
2. The Power Supply. Tattoo machines are not battery powered. This means they require an external source of power. Many prefer the power supplies that affix via a cable to the machine and then are turned on and off from an attached foot pedal. This is similar in technique to a sewing machines set up with a foot pedal.
3. The Needles. Needles are what pierce the skin and deposit the ink into the skin itself, creating the tattoo. Artists use shader and liner needles to create different effects of various depths to create the tattoo. Needles are to be used once and then thrown away.
4. The Different Types of Ink. Of course ink is also needed to make a tattoo. Tattooing ink is available in all colors, although black is the most readily available and readily used color out there.
These 4 above tattoo supplies are the main equipment pieces used to make tattoos, but there are actually dozens of other supplies that assist. This goes all the way from gloves to grips to rubber bands to cleaning equipment to ink caps and more. As evident by the contents of many tattoo kits available, when starting with the basics - it is the tattoo gun, needle, ink, and a power supply that allow for the bulk of work to be done by any tattoo artist out there.
Labels: Tattoo Suppliers
Friday, February 26, 2010
A tattoo writing design, conscionable equivalent with any fad that has skyrocketed to worldwide frenzy, can favor into a tattoo hardship when finished with motion and without any muse. Few grouping who are uneasy to go with the movement of a touristy direction power conscionable vary the gun and get one finished. Ofttimes nowadays these tattoo rushers end up detonating with sadness because the ornament is poorly researched, misspelled, embezzled out of environment, or inked wrong.
The schoolbook of tattoo writing moldiness tight something to you
Tattoo lettering is all roughly operator symbolisation and aspect. As specified, the decoration must operate as a protest of how you reach yourself and what you value most in your animation. Because of their rattling individual nature, tattoo writing designs commonly spell out a lingo, an great day, a belief, a effort, or both remaining important passage.
The module of selection should be competent to ingeminate your knowing signification
The filler and positioning of the tattoo should be fit to the programme
This applies to every tattoo pattern, but it is specially consequential with tattoo lettering because the situation and activity of the tattoo alter the readability of the evince / catchword. This is prefab author complicated by the fatal bleeding of the tattoo ink over experience. So when choosing a tattoo lettering designing, change careful that it is of readable size, the lines are somewhat thickly inked and well-spaced. This would pee your tattoo lettering program understandable justified after ten geezerhood when the peel unavoidably loosens and sags. You should get any grownup advice from your creator on the situation and location that superfine cause your tattoo writing system.
Labels: Tattoo Lettering Designs
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Now look for different variations and different shapes of the flower you have selected. Best source of tribal flower tattoo designs are internet. You can browse the net for many free sketches. But if you want to select from some cool unique drawings of tribal flower then spend some money and become the member of a good website that offers unique sketches exclusively to their members. The other advantage to become a member of such a member based website is you can take days or months for deciding which flower tattoo design you like to pierce in to your body. Good membership sites constantly add some fresh designs daily in to their gallery.
Labels: Tribal Flower Tattoo
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
The first - tattooing should only be taught the old fashioned way of doing a long term apprenticeship, with no pay and filled with months of cleaning the shop, being somewhat of a slave to the working artists, and sometimes being treated in a worthless manner. You can get an idea of the process from Miami Ink. I have talked to a couple of local shop owners and not only is this their method of teaching but it usually requires a substantial fee from the apprentice. Eventually, the future artist is allowed to practice the art and progress from there....
The second - and more current approach is to actually attend a school or take a course in this popular art. These range from a quick 2 week course to months in duration. And yes, they are costly also, but the focus is on teaching the art of tattooing and using a hands-on approach. I am more familiar with this method and think it is a straight forward and valuable option to people searching a way to break in to this popular vocation. Unfortunately, some people are of the opinion this way is lame and not a reputable approach.
Labels: Tattoo Schools
Labels: Tattoo Picture Gallery
Monday, February 22, 2010
Tattoo flash should be carefully looked at and deliberated before being picked for execution. Tattoo flash demonstrates and bears designs for tattoo that are drawn or printed on a cardboard or paper. Some people actually regard the material as a form of industrial design because the design could be used in some other purposes.
To find tattoo flashes, you should look at the walls of the tattoo shops. Typically, such establishments display the designs so that would-be customers could easily spot them and choose from them the design that they want to be printed to their skin.
Almost all tattoo flashes are designed to be used for rapid tattooing. Such designs are either designed by traditional tattoo artists or by the in-house artist of the tattoo shops. Tattoo flash for that matter can be strictly applied and used in one shop only as some of them are copyrighted, especially the special and uncommon designs.
There are popular and widely distributed tattoo flashes that are offered in several tattoo shops. These designs are copyrighted and should be purchased from the copyright owner so that their use as tattoos would be allowed legally. Thus, such tattoo arts make the overall fees higher.
There is a right and suitable tattoo flash for you and you can easily find it and pick it up from the online media. You would be surprised at how beautiful and artful tattoo designs could be. However, as a world of advise, before taking a tattoo, make sure to check the expertise and background of the artist so you can get sure the design would be beautifully and artfully executed in your skin. Choose from the wide selection of displayed tattoo flashes now and find the design that would surely create a lasting impression.
Labels: Tattoo Flashes
For whatever the reason, the tattoos of dragons, the fierce protectors of treasure, tend to be some of the more beautifully colored and inventive tattoo designs that one can get. My stepfather seemed to find great interest in the dragon lore. His tattoo of a dragon became an armband style - extending from under his armpit with little area between the head and the tail of the creature. Up close, one can decipher the elegant design, but, far away, the tattoo simply looks tribal in nature.
Cinema has brought a lot more tattoo lovers into the realm of the dragon. Many of these cinema events have utilized dragons as fire-breathing protectors of treasures. The movie, Dragonheart, revo9lves around a medieval time of dragons, knightly creeds, and evil kings. In order to secure a place in a dragon heaven, a dragon saves the life of a prince, who was raised by the knightly code of honor. The young man grows up, becomes king, and turns his back on the knight creed he swore to. Becoming a tyrant like his father, villagers gather, with the dragon at their side, to take down the king.

As one would expect, there is always a twist. The dragon is the last of its kind, and must be killed in order to kill the king. (Draco, the dragon, gave the prince half of his heart, and, with it, the dragon's strength to withstand death.) The knight who raised the king has become a great friend to the dragon, and Draco orders the knight to kill him.
Perhaps, after watching that movie, I've come to realize that honor tends to play an important role in dragons of all kinds. After all, if one protects a treasure with their own lives, isn't that an honor?
Let us not forget the famous fire breathing, walking lizard-like dragon - Godzilla. How many times did he rise out of the water to save the lives of the city folk? (Which I never truly understood, since Godzilla usually took out most of the town, in an effort to "save" its people.) Several other films tend to utilize the opposite roles - that of a dragon of destruction and ill intent. In both the science fictions series Stargate SG-1 and Special Unit 2, a dragon is killed after it wreaked havoc on the series characters, and kept them from finding the treasure that the dragons guarded.
One of the cutest dragons can be seen in the Shrek Trilogy. Not only does the dragon leave a smile on the faces of children and adults alike, but the offspring of donkey and dragon puts in a few laughs and endears the characters to you. No matter which way one wishes to believe a dragon's true intent is, the best way to bring it to life on a personal scale is to get you a tattoo. The choice of how you wish to let others see a dragon is up to how you want it carved upon your skin. How real is that?
Labels: Dragon Tattoo Picture
Sunday, February 21, 2010
It doesn't matter whether you're getting your first Tattoo or you have done it all before, but the biggest challenge is to come up with inspiration for cool tattoo ideas. The permanency of tattoos means you have to get it right first time to avoid mistakes - it's not like you can get an eraser and start again. Tattoos are for life unless you are prepared to go through, sometimes uncomfortable and very often costly, procedures to have them removed.
If you're lucky you'll have Cool Tattoo ideas that are personal to you and your life experience, which make a statement about who you are. Very often though this is not the case and people are forced to look elsewhere for ideas. Also, if you're lucky you may have a tattoo parlor on your doorstep where you can visit locally and sift through tattoo designs and discuss with the artist.
Visiting a tattoo parlor is not always possible though so most people are left with sourcing cool tattoo ideas from the Internet. The word 'tattoo' and tattoo related phrases are heavily searched via the search engines so many poor quality sites have been set up to take advantage of this. These sites usually offer poor quality tattoo designs and galleries, with unwanted advertising, which is where they generate their revenue.
There are also better quality sites offering cool tattoo ideas together with other resources and sometimes communities of like-minded individuals to exchange ideas and experiences. The better quality tattoo sites usually charge a nominal fee for access but this should be a small price to pay for a design that you can be proud of and one will stay with you for the rest of your life. Once you've had the ink done you can usually upload a photo to display your work of art and provide inspiration to others, or just to show off!
If you have an idea for a tattoo design, the better quality sites usually provide neat search features so that you can narrow down the choice depending on your initial ideas e.g. Tribal Tattoo, Back Tattoo etc. Paying a small fee for a cool tattoo idea is also a good way of increasing the chances of the design being unique, as many people will often take the easier (cheaper) option of free tattoo designs.
Despite all the quality sites available for cool tattoo ideas, if you're having any doubts or second thoughts then the chances you should not be getting a tattoo. If however you're dead set on the idea, and want to join the increasing number of people, from all walks of life, with tattoos, consider paying a little up front for quality and peace of mind.
Labels: Cool Tattoo Ideas
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Japanese Symbol Tattoo
Japanese Kanji Tattoos are fast becoming the most popular tattoo design. Japanese Kanji characters are so incredibly artistic and have such mystique that it seems as though they were created ideally for the purpose of tattoos. When you think about the best qualities of a tattoo many words come to mind such as symbolic, mysterious, and meaning.
The beauty of Japanese Kanji tattoos is that each Kanji symbol is an ideographic character, which means is represents an entire object/meaning/symbol. Japanese Kanji symbols have such elaborate definition; each stroke of the symbol must be done in the correct direction and order. Japanese Kanji Tattoos can easily represent nearly any meaning you want. Words such as love, peace, freedom, strength, unity are very popular Japanese Kanji tattoos, as well as loved one's names.
It is a good idea to research your Japanese Kanji Tattoo before visiting your tattoo artist. There are several reasons for this - firstly, Kanji is a different form of language to English, and if you were to choose a Kanji sentence, the order of the words will be in different order to English. Secondly, many tattoo parlors have Japanese Kanji tattoo designs which have been altered by westerners and you will not know until it is too late. Finally, some Japanese Kanji characters have several meanings, and you may think your symbol means one thing, where in fact it means something completely different. Luckily there are websites out there that can help you get the perfect translation.
Labels: Japanese Symbol Tattoo
Many people get tattoos for many different reasons; some for authority and others for respect, but what happens when the tattoo you get is not the right one, or what if you get it but a few moments later you realise that you don't really like it? Furthermore to prevent situations like these I have decided to make this little guide to help you be 100% sure about your tattoo.
Labels: Trible Tattoo
Friday, February 19, 2010
How to Take Care of Your New Tattoo
You'd been thinking about getting a tattoo for a long time, and now that you've taken the plunge you're excited about what you're seeing. You know that the pain you went through getting the tattoo was nothing now that you see the results. Don't make the mistake, though, of thinking your job is complete. Without the proper care, your beautiful new tattoo can end up being your worst nightmare.
A new tattoo is fragile. It is prone to infection, it could lose some of its beautiful color, or you might lose the design completely unless you take the proper precautions to take care of it. After finishing your design your tattoo artist took certain steps to protect it. And before you left, he gave you instructions for its care. If you're smart, you'll follow his instructions to the letter in order to avoid possible problems.
You know you didn't go through all of that pain and expense just to allow your new tattoo to self-destruct. By following the techniques in this article you'll be sure you're doing your best to protect the investment you made in your tattoo.
Step One - Leave the Bandage on Overnight
Right before you left the tattoo parlor, your artist most likely bandaged your new tattoo. He did this for your protection. The tattoo was created by poking a needle into your flesh. It broke through your skin and drew blood with every poke. Therefore, at this point in time, your new tattoo is more of an open wound that a finished work of art.
While some artists may tell you that you can remove the bandage after a minimum of two hours, most will advise leaving the bandage on overnight. That way you continue to keep your wound free from dirt, lint, and air-borne bacteria.
Step Two - Removing the Bandage
In the morning, it'll be time to remove the bandage. Prior to getting the tattoo you should have purchased a liquid-based antimicrobial or antibacterial soap that is also very mild. After removing the bandage you will want to gently wash the tattoo and the area around it with the soap and lukewarm water. Take care to wash away any remaining dried blood or ointment applied by the artist.
The best way to wash the tattoo at this point is with your hand alone. If you use a washcloth, it might damage the tattoo. After carefully washing the entire area, dry it completely using firm pats and a paper towel or a clean bath towel.
Step Three - Taking Care of the Tattoo
After your still-vulnerable wound has been cleaned and dried, you need to cover it with a protective antibacterial medication. Either Bacitracin or A&D Ointment will do the trick, and both can be found at your local drugstore.
Instead of recommending antibacterial ointments, your tattoo artist will probably suggest preparations that were designed specifically to treat new tattoos such as H2Ocean or Tattoo Goo. You can choose to follow his advice or use the ointment. Both will work, and the choice is up to you.
The treatment you choose needs to be continued for the next three to five days. At that point you can quit using the medications, but you will still need to keep the area very clean until your tattoo has had a chance to heal completely. If you'd like you can replace the ointment with a mild lotion which is perfume- and dye-free. This will keep your skin soft and supple while continuing to protect the tender skin of the tattoo.
The Scoop About Caring for Your New Tattoo
Its okay to get your new tattoo wet, but you'll want to avoid letting it soak. It is best if you shower for the three weeks immediately following your tattoo procedure, because tub baths allow too much soaking to take place. Soaking the tattoo could result in it being damaged. Swimming should be avoided for at least two weeks after you've gotten a new tattoo.
You can expect your tattoo to form scabs or peal slightly. It's a normal part of healing process. If your tattoo seems to be scabbing more than you think it should, that could be a sign that your tattoo artist didn't do his job right. You never want to pick or scratch your scabs. That could damage your tattoo. Instead, you can put warm washcloths over the area and wait for the scabs to fall off by themselves.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Many people wonder how to get tattoo artwork online. Actually, it's not that most guys and girls can't find a lot of designs. It's just that most of them can't locate the "quality" designs out there. It seems like a never end tunnel of generic, low end art, doesn't it? Well, here are simple tips to help you figure out how to get tattoo artwork online and pin point the truly superb stuff.
We are in a day and age where everybody wants things instantly. We do not want to wait for anything. This is a bad trait to have when looking for tattoos on the web, though. This is one of the things that should not be rushed. When you rush into a decision to get tattooed, it sometimes leads to regret and tattoos are pretty permanent. Many folks know how to get tattoo artwork online, but most will stay far away from most of the truly great designs.
Why will they not be able to find the great tattoos?
Because most people (95%) use search engines when looking for their tattoos. Its not that they don't know how to get tattoo artwork. They are just using the one tool that everybody else uses to find their tattoos. You see, search engines usually only pull up all of the low wend galleries through out the web. Each one of them is packed with nothing but generic, cookie cutter tattoos that are somewhere close to nine years old. On top of that, half f the images are not even meant to be used as real tattoo!
So, when you are wondering how to get tattoo artwork online, what is a better way to accomplish it?
If you take a little bit of time and use internet forums, you will be pleasantly surprised with the amount of quality designs you will be able to find. It's not that you are going to be able to click your mouse and you will be able to find all of the tattoos inside of the forum. You are just going to use the tons of topics they have on tattoos to gather the links that people post to the great galleries out there.
Forums are always loaded with topics revolving around tattoos. These are the topics where people are talking about where they found quality designs for their tattoos. They provide all sorts of links and you would have never found most of them if you just continued to use search engines.
It's a simple way to answer the question about how to get tattoo artwork online without settling for the generic tattoos that have clogged the web.
Labels: Design Own Tattoo, Design Your Tattoo, t, tattoo artwork
Another thing to consider is that if you get a tribal butterfly tattoo, you don't have use colors if you don't want to. One color tattoos, black work or black and gray work are often the top choice for some. Over time, some inks fade. There have been great advances to eliminate this problem, but it will always exist due to poor quality inks, inexperienced tattoo artist or even skin pigmentation.
Some people think that females are the only ones attracted towards the tribal butterfly tattoo, but I've actually seen some great pieces that were inked on men. I'm not sure that I would go that route myself, but hey that's the great part about tattoos. You can express yourself in any way that you want to. Usually tribal tattoos have a masculine energy about them because of their bold, thick lines. But in the case of the tribal butterfly tattoo, for example, they are versatile and they tend to look very good on women as well.
here are many things that a tribal butterfly tattoo can symbolize, and there are many variations. Now I'm not so sure that they hold magic powers, but in some cultures, still to this day, tribal tattoos are believed to posses such power. For example, in some tribes, a boy is assigned a totem animal during his rites of passage. Their belief is/was that the wearer inherits some of the powers of his totem animal by wearing a tattoo of such animal.
So, if you are looking for a cool tribal butterfly tattoo or other tribal tattoo ideas for yourself or a friend, you should take your time and make a wise choice. This is a lifetime commitment. Don't decide on a particular tattoo design after just looking at few hundred sketches. There are thousands and thousands of examples and ideas that are easy to find online. There are many membership websites that offer abundant selections from professional tattoo artists and flash artists. The membership fee is usually affordable and worth the money when doing your research for your next piece of body art!
Trying to find good places and sources for an armband tattoo tribal can be a pain, I know, especially if you are looking for quality artwork online. The good news is that you can easily find your way through the fluff and get straight to the good tribals and art out there on the web.
First of all, you should not have to settle for something that you find through a Google search, or something you find on a generic, cookie-cutter website. Most of the armband tattoos and images on these places has been plastered all over the internet already. Who knows how many other guys have that armband tattoo tribal inked on their skin already?
You definitely want your art to be original and of good quality. A lot of the artwork that you find at the low and generic websites are not that. Even the ones that do look pretty good have a decent chance of not being tattoo worthy. This is because while the artist that drew the design might be good, they do not know what it takes to draw something that will look good once implemented as tattoos. This is crucial when it comes to an armband tattoo tribal and tribals in general.
Another thing to remember, especially when dealing with a tribal, is to being four or five of your favorite armband designs to your local tattoo artist of choice. Have he or she redraw a couple of them so that you will have an original piece of art, so that you know that nobody else will have that tribal design inked on their skin.
Now, here is a great trick to finding the top notch tribal artwork out there. All you really have to do is look through internet forums. Forums are an amazing place to find insider information. Remember, people love to brag when that strike gold in their search, or if they find a hidden treasure or website on the internet. This holds especially true when it comes to finding great, lesser known tattoo websites that have awesome armband tribals and huge galleries of artwork that is not spread all over the web.
This is a great tip, because a lot of the cookie-cutter websites may have great artist, but most of them do not have a clue when it comes to drawing something that will look good once made into a real life tattoo. Now that you know the fast track, finding an armband tattoo tribal should be a piece of cake when you try to find quality artwork online.
Labels: Tattoo Tribals
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Love tattoos have always been a great way to express your feelings for someone else. Love tattoos are always very popular and a great many couples choose to show their love for one another in the form of a tattoo. Obviously, the love tattoos are not restricted to the love between couples but they cover a wide range of relationships ranging from a mom-daughter or a son-dad relationship.
Tattoos are very common these days, with just about 1 in 4 individuals having at least one and often more. Tattoos are usually considered to be part of the living organism of skin and must be maintained over the years to keep their colors alive and fresh. Tattoos that have been correctly applied, correctly healed, and protected from the rays of the sun can remain their best for years and years.
The heart these days is still the most recognized symbol of love. Other symbols often found in love tattoos include the sacred heart, a pierced heart, a locked heart or a Celtic heart amongst many others. Many people interested in love tattoos will sometimes include their names or other symbols to add a personal touch to the tattoo.
Whatever you decide upon, the design of love tattoos should be instantly recognizable. True love blooms all the time no matter what and should be ageless like the designs of love tattoos. Whether you wish to send out a loud message or just a subtle tribute to your love, there are all kinds of love tattoos that might appeal to you.
Labels: Love Tattoos
Getting a name tattooed is an important decision and should be thought out well. Many people have tattoo names which they later regret getting. Most common are ex girlfriends or boyfriends/wives or husbands. Here are some great tips for getting names tattooed:
Tip 1: Get it somewhere relatively discreet.
Tattoo names are usually placed on the arms or the chest, and this is generally fine. But think twice about getting neck tattoos of names or hand tattoos. These are not only very visible areas but in the event that you do want to get it covered up, as many end up wanting unfortunately, then the neck and hands can be hard spots to cover up. And furthermore while you may not regret your name tat even though the relationship has ended with the person, you still may not want to look at it every day. Placing it somewhere more discreet is a safer choice.
Tip 2: Get another tattoo design that surrounds it.
While tattoo names nowadays can be done in elegant and creative lettering making it stand out, they still can be rather dull. A great way to liven up a name is to get another tattoo design surrounding the name. Or you could get the name included within the design. Either way this makes the overall name more interesting and alive. Plus, if that name is one you later regret, a cover up job incorporating the existing design may work well. Or if the name is within the design it might be able to just be filled in. There are tattoo galleries online where you can find great lettering for the name, and great designs to accompany it with.
Labels: Fake Tattoos, tattoo name
It is probably in your best interest to make sure the tattoo parlor you are using or plan on using follows all the laws. Look for a business license on the wall and make sure you see an autoclave (the machine that cleans all the tattoo equipment) Also never get a tattoo from someone if you do not see them open the new needle in front of you!!!
Labels: Tattoo Laws
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Labels: Tattoo Conventions